Step 1: Download our APP

Click on the icon if you are on your mobile or scan the QR code to access and download the app directly from your APP store.

clases app
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Step 2: Register and choose your class voucher

In the upper right corner (profile icon 👤) is the option to Register. Once registered go back to that icon and go to “My vouchers” to buy your first voucher and be able to sign up for classes.

Step 3: Select the day and class you want

Now all you have to do is book your class. You can browse through months and weeks, and book a class in the next 2 weeks.

You can sign up either in person or live online (via zoom link), ideal if you live outside Palma. If you see that a class is full, don’t worry, you can still attend online or sign up for the in-person waiting list.

White Pink Floral Modern International Women's Day Smartphone Background Instagram Story (1)

Step 3: Schedule of active classes for pregnant women, mothers and babies Select the day and class you want

Pregnancy classes

Postpartum classes