Moxibustión para embarazadas

Moxibustion is a natural and effective therapeutic technique to improve well-being during pregnancy. This ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine uses the application of heat to specific points on the body to relieve various ailments and promote the health of mother and baby.

Benefits of Moxibustion during Pregnancy

Moxibustion can offer several benefits to pregnant women, including:

  • Relief of Discomfort: May help relieve backaches, nausea, and other common discomforts of pregnancy.
  • Fetal Movement Promotion: In some cases, moxibustion has been used to help turn the baby in breech presentation.
  • Stress Reduction: Heat and acupuncture point stimulation can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improved Circulation: Promotes better blood circulation, which is beneficial for both mother and baby.
embarazadas y posparto
moxibustion giro bebe

Is moxibustion safe during pregnancy?

Yes, when performed by trained professionals, moxibustion is safe for pregnant women. At Centre1mes, we ensure that each treatment is performed with the utmost caution and care, adapting the techniques to the individual needs of each woman.

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